Syringa Microphylla Superba Tige
Microphylla superba littleleaf lilac is a bushy spreading deciduous shrub adorned with loose panicles of fragrant single long tubed rosy pink flowers. The pretty blooms of syringa subsp.
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collection Syringa microphylla superba tige!!!
Though the scent is as sweet you might not recognise the little. šeřík malolistý pochází z číny a zdobí se drobnými okrouhle vejčitými až srdčitými opadavými listy měkce zelené barvy s jemným ochmýřením. Superba je velice pěkná a v této době snad i. Somewhat resistant to powdery mildew.Lilac purple flowers 4 6 long often occur in pairs at the branch tips. Arbustes ou arbrisseaux 1 7 m selon les espèces à port dressé parfois retombant. It forms a shrub 6 feet high by 10 feet wide. Environ 30 espèces bande étroite et discontinue partant des balkans jusqu en chine et au japon an passant par l himalaya.
Blooming in late spring to early summer this pretty lilac often repeats bloom in summer or early fall. Stalk 1 6 to 1 3 in. Long 1 3 to 11 4 in. Microphylla superba have a powerful sweet perfume that is hard to resist.
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