99+ Leadplant Garden
Lead plant amorpha canescens is a perennial prairie wildflower commonly found throughout the middle two thirds of the united states and canada. No longer available this season.
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Leadplant amorpha is sold by some native plant nurseries in the midwest. Leadplant amorpha canescens pursh. This well behaved shrub gets a rather late start in the spring. A native of the midwest prairie leadplant is a long lived plant with a unique display of both foliage and flowers.Common name of lead plant refers to the once held belief that the plant was an indicator of the presence of lead in the ground. Leadplant is a upright rounded shrub native to the midwest that does well in dry sandy to clay soil. Pruning the shrub in the late winter or early spring either back to the ground or to 12 or so helps maintain its shape. Its gray green pinnate leaves are followed by striking purple flowers with prominent orange anthers that are loved by bees.
Fast growing but not invasive leadwort is often used as a g or spreading. Tall plants for example provide shade for sun sensitive shorter plants. Vines can cover the ground while tall stalks grow skywards allowing two plants to occupy the same patch. The purplish blue flower spikes in june and july serve as a host to caterpillars as well as a nectar source for butterflies and a food source for birds.
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