Viburnum Opulus Roseum Snowball Garden Shrub
Viburnum macrocephalum is a very large shrub it can reach 20 feet tall and wide with the largest flower heads up to eight inches in diameter among the different snowball bushes. Prized by florists viburnum opulus roseum european cranberrybush is a large bushy deciduous shrub of rounded habit adorned with a profusion of large rounded clusters 3 in.
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Viburnum opulus roseum snowball garden shrub!!!
Viburnum x burkwoodii is a smaller type of viburnum 8 to 10 feet tall that inherited some of the wonderful smell of its parent. Viburnum opulus roseum aka the snowball tree is a bushy deciduous shrub with striking blooms and lobed maple like leaves that turn fiery shades of red and purple in the autumn. The twigs are stout smooth and hairless. Viburnum opulus commonly called european cranberry bush is a highbush cranberry that is native to europe asia and n.Emerging soft lime green the eye catching snowball blossoms change to pure white and often blush pink. It is a deciduous shrub with a rounded spreading habit that typically grows to 10 15 tall. Viburnum opulus roseum european snowball viburnum. Originally known as v.
Probably the oldest known garden viburnum as it was recorded in the 16th century as sambucus rose. Opulus sterilis which is still in use in lieu of the now accepted nomenclature. The large flower clusters are slightly fragrant and the individual flowers are without pistils and stamens being sterile and seedless and not useful for pollinators. Across 7 cm packed with sterile flowers in late spring.
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