Cytisus Brem Andreanus
Once in full bloom this shrub will attract many bees and butterflies. Cytisus porlock is a much more vigorous evergreen grower although its life span may only be 10 years or so.
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collection Cytisus brem andreanus!!!
Cytisus andreanus is an upright deciduous shrub with slender arching shoots. Clusters of yellow and dark red flowers in late spring. The species is hermaphrodite has both male and female organs and is pollinated by bees. Andreanus is a vigorous small deciduous shrub with small leaves and dark green shoots.Dark red and yellow flowers. Flowers with deep brownish red wing petals and red veins on the yellow standard opening in late spring. Usually 3 palmate leaves 1 2cm in long bicolor. Genus cytisus can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs ranging from prostrate to erect and almost tree like with small simple or 3 parted leaves and pea like flowers spring or summer details c.
Deciduousevergreen in milder climates. Dabei ist auch sein laub sehr dekorativ. Die kleinen blätter sind lanzettlich geformt und schimmern in einem dunklen grün. It is hardy to zone uk 5 and is not frost tender.
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